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  • Writer's pictureHannah Lind

Who’s Hannah really? All about Meeee

We’ve come to the end (fingers crossed, knock on wood) of another lockdown. I’m writing this two days before we move from Level 3 to Level 2 in most of New Zealand following the Delta Outbreak.

Central Otago blossom on tree
This year coming out into spring, feels more like a new beginning to me than most.

For no reason other than luck, I had no weddings booked for over our Level 3 and 4 lockdown. If having to postpone your wedding day has been your experience, I’m so sorry. It will have been so stressful and disappointing, and I’m sure the stress and the heartache aren’t over yet.

I hope you’re able to find your way through the hurt to enjoy your wedding when you get to have it – whether what that looks like will have changed, or not.

After last lockdown I wrote about what your options for getting in married in my backyard could look like (not my literal backyard, the slide and trampoline don’t make for a very romantic backdrop). I stand by it all.

Bride and groom at Central Otago Department of Conservation hut
Just one of the local options Steph and Scott taking epic post ceremony photos at Old Woman Hut in the Nevis Valley behind Cromwell. Pic thanks to

But today I’m going to write a little bit about me instead. Sort of a ‘get to know your celebrant’ post. Since it’s fresh in memory, what did I do over lockdown?

I baked. A. Lot. We ate snickers slice and butterscotch fingers and homemade crackers and bread and brownie.

Tray of home baking with recipe book
The butterscotch fingers were super yum!

I made a pair of pants. Sort of. I learned ponte double knit doesn’t behave exactly how you want it to when making stretch drop crotch leggings. As a result the next pair of pants I make will be better.

I listened to a lot of Ian Rankin Inspector Rebus crime novels. I think I started thinking in a Scottish accent for a while there.

We planted seeds. So far, we’ve only successfully germinated two radishes, five lettuces and three beetroot plants.

Photo by Greta Hoffman on Yep not my photo not my seeds, you’ll just have to take my word for it.

I read with our two kids, baked with them, refereed a lot of fights, watched them jump on the trampoline, sent them off on quite a few scavenger hunts and reaffirmed that I am not a teacher and don’t ever want to be one.

What do I do when we’re not in lockdown?

I bake, just less and less fiddly things. I started going to the pool to swim lengths this year. Talking myself into the pool that first time was hard. But even on the days when the monkeys in my head are screeching a lot, I can channel Dory (just keep swimming, just keep swimming) and by the time I get out I feel pretty great.

The celebrant who swims - my togs
Favourite togs and goggles!

I also work part time at Scott Base (the vineyard not the Antarctic Research Base, that would be a hell of a commute!) in the Cellar Door. And part time for The Kitchen Garden as the beautiful assistant at cooking demonstrations and private chef gigs, behind the scenes queen and head cheerleader.

I like a gin and tonic. And a coffee. I used to hate both of those things, I’m not entirely sure what changed. I’m assuming I just got older.

Coffee in the sun Central Otago cafe

I’m a peer supporter with Mums 4 Mums in Alexandra. The easiest way to describe what we do, is to say, take a look at our Facebook page here

I became a celebrant after a career in radio broadcasting. Because I was used to using microphones and my voice, I was asked several times to give readings at friends and family’s weddings. I did it enough times that standing up in front of large groups of people stopped being scary. And I realised if I became a celebrant I could combine my two oldest loves – words and being nosy.

The last time I stood up as not the celebrant at a wedding. My sister’s wedding in 2013.

I’m married to the lovely Clement. This June just been marked 21 years since we first got together. And this coming January will be our 16th wedding anniversary. I totally get what it is to be overwhelmed by thoughts of ‘what does a wedding ceremony even look like?’ partly because we were young when we got married, we had been to exactly one wedding before our own. It’s why I work how I work now. Spoiler alert, a lot of options, a lot of guidance, a lot of ideas, no dumb questions.

Celebrant and husband on balcony overlooking bush coastal Otago
I bought a wicked voluminous bright pink tutu in the year 2000 and I still wear it every chance I get.

Celebrant in tutu in front of Central Otago stone building

Case and point. And yes, I will wear it to your wedding if you want me to. Pic thanks to

Goodbye Pork Pie (the original), Tremors and The Blues Brothers are still some of my favourite movies.

And my favourite parties are the potlucks where everybody brings a fabulous dessert because we ‘forgot’ to allocate anyone to do mains or salads.

That’s me! Whatever brought you here, look after yourself and those around you x.

And if I sound like I could be the celebrant for you, get in touch and we’ll talk some more. Scroll down to contact me!


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